Home Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)

CHDO Certification/Recertification Process is Open. See application for details.

***** RFP Process is Closed *****

Wayne County

HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)

Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Notice is hereby given that the County of Wayne is seeking project proposals for 2017-2023 HOME CHDO funding in the amount of $2,735,000. Proposals will be considered for low-to- moderate income housing projects in Wayne County that can be completed within 24 months of funding approval. Proposals will be awarded based on demonstrated need, funding/budget, past performance and most qualified.

A non-profit organization wishing to apply for HOME CHDO funding must be certified or recertified as a Wayne County HOME CHDO. Certification/Recertification Applications and HOME CHDO Request for Proposals are due October 15,2024, 2024, by 4:00 pm (EST). No applicant conference will be held but interested parties can set up a technical assistance appointment by email or phone by contacting Jeannie Fields, Assistant Community Development Director, at jfields1@waynecountymi.gov or 313.224.0867, prior to October 15,2024, 2024, by 4:00 pm (EST).

Eligible activities include the following: Acquisition and/or rehabilitation of multi-family rental housing, new construction of multi-family rental housing, acquisition and rehabilitation of single-family homes, new construction of single-family homes and direct financial assistance to purchasers of HOME-assisted housing that has been developed with HOME funds by the CHDO. All activities must benefit low-to-moderate income individuals. (Per U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development guidelines).

All CHDO Certification/Recertification Applications and HOME RFPs are to be submitted to the Community Development Division Office electronically or mail/hand deliver: Attn: Tuesday Redmond, Director, Wayne County Community Development, 500 Griswold Street, 28th Floor, Detroit, MI 48226. Any further questions, please call 313.224.0867. Electronic submission information is below for the CHDO Certification/Recertification and RFP. A hard copy of both documents may be printed for mail/hand deliver submissions.

Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted.

Wayne County HOME Program

The Community Development Division of the Wayne County Department of Economic Development serves as the lead agency in the development and implementation of the HOME Program of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program provides funding for a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people.

At least 15 percent of the County’s funding allocation must be reserved to fund housing projects to be owned, developed, or sponsored by experienced, community-driven nonprofit groups designated as Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs). The HOME Program is the largest Federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households.

A Five-Year Consolidated Plan helps guide Wayne County to make decisions about the use of HUD funding for housing projects, public facility and infrastructure projects, social services, and other community development needs. The Plan also identifies housing goals for the Wayne County HOME Consortium, which includes the cities of Dearborn, Lincoln Park, Livonia, and Taylor.

National Objectives identified in the 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan include: 1) Undertaking activities that benefit low-to moderate-income persons, 2) Undertaking activities that prevent or eliminate slum and/or blight, and 3) Undertaking urgent need activities that meet HUD’s definition of urgent need.

Download and view the 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan below:

2021-2025 Consolidated Plan

County-wide goals and objectives identified in the Consolidated Plan are presented in the form of an Annual Action Plan that provides a framework for the use of HOME, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding for low-to moderate-income persons in thirty-four (34) Participating Jurisdictions and HOME Consortium communities. The goals and objectives are as follows:

  1. Upgrade the County's housing stock.
  2. Affirmatively further fair housing.
  3. Provide economic development opportunities.
  4. Enhance public infrastructure and facilities.
  5. Conduct public service activities.
  6. Undertake neighborhood improvement activities.
  7. Offer homeless outreach and homelessness prevention; and
  8. Assist with administration and planning for the CDBG, HOME and ESG funding programs.

CHDO Certification/Recertification Process is Open. See application for details.

***** RFP Process is Closed *****

Wayne County

HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME)

Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO)

Request for Proposals (RFP)

Notice is hereby given that the County of Wayne is seeking project proposals for 2017-2023 HOME CHDO funding in the amount of $2,735,000. Proposals will be considered for low-to- moderate income housing projects in Wayne County that can be completed within 24 months of funding approval. Proposals will be awarded based on demonstrated need, funding/budget, past performance and most qualified.

A non-profit organization wishing to apply for HOME CHDO funding must be certified or recertified as a Wayne County HOME CHDO. Certification/Recertification Applications and HOME CHDO Request for Proposals are due October 15,2024, 2024, by 4:00 pm (EST). No applicant conference will be held but interested parties can set up a technical assistance appointment by email or phone by contacting Jeannie Fields, Assistant Community Development Director, at jfields1@waynecountymi.gov or 313.224.0867, prior to October 15,2024, 2024, by 4:00 pm (EST).

Eligible activities include the following: Acquisition and/or rehabilitation of multi-family rental housing, new construction of multi-family rental housing, acquisition and rehabilitation of single-family homes, new construction of single-family homes and direct financial assistance to purchasers of HOME-assisted housing that has been developed with HOME funds by the CHDO. All activities must benefit low-to-moderate income individuals. (Per U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development guidelines).

All CHDO Certification/Recertification Applications and HOME RFPs are to be submitted to the Community Development Division Office electronically or mail/hand deliver: Attn: Tuesday Redmond, Director, Wayne County Community Development, 500 Griswold Street, 28th Floor, Detroit, MI 48226. Any further questions, please call 313.224.0867. Electronic submission information is below for the CHDO Certification/Recertification and RFP. A hard copy of both documents may be printed for mail/hand deliver submissions.

Late or incomplete proposals will not be accepted.

Wayne County HOME Program

The Community Development Division of the Wayne County Department of Economic Development serves as the lead agency in the development and implementation of the HOME Program of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The program provides funding for a wide range of activities including building, buying, and/or rehabilitating affordable housing for rent or homeownership or providing direct rental assistance to low-income people.

At least 15 percent of the County’s funding allocation must be reserved to fund housing projects to be owned, developed, or sponsored by experienced, community-driven nonprofit groups designated as Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs). The HOME Program is the largest Federal block grant to state and local governments designed exclusively to create affordable housing for low-income households.

A Five-Year Consolidated Plan helps guide Wayne County to make decisions about the use of HUD funding for housing projects, public facility and infrastructure projects, social services, and other community development needs. The Plan also identifies housing goals for the Wayne County HOME Consortium, which includes the cities of Dearborn, Lincoln Park, Livonia, and Taylor.

National Objectives identified in the 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan include: 1) Undertaking activities that benefit low-to moderate-income persons, 2) Undertaking activities that prevent or eliminate slum and/or blight, and 3) Undertaking urgent need activities that meet HUD’s definition of urgent need.

Download and view the 2021-2025 Consolidated Plan below:

2021-2025 Consolidated Plan

County-wide goals and objectives identified in the Consolidated Plan are presented in the form of an Annual Action Plan that provides a framework for the use of HOME, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) funding for low-to moderate-income persons in thirty-four (34) Participating Jurisdictions and HOME Consortium communities. The goals and objectives are as follows:

  1. Upgrade the County's housing stock.
  2. Affirmatively further fair housing.
  3. Provide economic development opportunities.
  4. Enhance public infrastructure and facilities.
  5. Conduct public service activities.
  6. Undertake neighborhood improvement activities.
  7. Offer homeless outreach and homelessness prevention; and
  8. Assist with administration and planning for the CDBG, HOME and ESG funding programs.
  • CHDO Certification/Recertification Application

    supporting image

    Each organization wishing to be certified or recertified as a HOME Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) must complete the following application in its entirety and provide all applicable supporting documents and narrative explanation. Applications that fail to complete the application and meet the threshold requirements for document submission will not be reviewed for certification and the application will be returned to the respondent. APPLICATIONS WILL NOW BE ACCEPTED YEAR-ROUND. THERE IS NO DEADLINE.

    CHDO Certification/Recertification Application

  • Request for Proposal

    supporting image

    Each organization wishing to apply for HOME funding under this RFP must complete the application in its entirety and provide all applicable supporting documents and narrative explanation. Applications that fail to complete the application and meet the threshold requirements for document submission will not be considered responsive.

    In releasing this Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), the goal of the Wayne County Community Development Program is to facilitate new construction and acquisition/rehabilitation of affordable housing for low to moderate income households. Proposed projects must be leveraged with other funding sources, such as private equity loans from lending institutions and funds from federal, state or local programs, such as Low-Income Housing Tax Credits. All projects must be completed within 24 months after funding approval by the Wayne County Commission and all other funding sources should have been secured.

    Each qualified project will be evaluated for suitability for HOME funding and may be offered funding based on resource availability, preferences and selection criteria.

    Qualified housing developers who demonstrate their ability to 1) construct and/or rehabilitate affordable housing developments and 2) maintain affordable housing developments are encouraged to submit applications. Applicants must be a Certified Wayne County CHDO. The CHDO must have the experience, financial, and technical capacity to deliver a project that meets all eligibility requirements and remains operational and compliant for the restrictive affordability period of the project.

    The proportion of rent restricted units to the total number of units in any project must, at a minimum, equal the proportion of Wayne County’s HOME Program investment in the project’s total development cost. Unrestricted units are not eligible for HOME CHDO subsidy.

    Submit Request for Proposal

Page last updated: 20 Feb 2025, 09:50 AM