Hometown Life: Wayne County looks to sell historic mills, have them redeveloped for 21st century

Hometown Life's David Veselenak reports on plans to redevelop Hines Park's historic mills.

Hometown Life: "The project, dubbed the Hines Park Mill Run Placemaking Project, aims to increase the non-motorized access to these sites for area residents and park-goers. The sale of the properties still have some protections put in place, Rahal said, including requirements that buyers rehab the mills in accordance with federal guidelines for the Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings as determined by the U.S. Department of the Interior. That means the agreements forbid the demolition of these mills.

The agreement also calls for the properties to also remain open to the public, unless a private event such as a wedding is taking place. This type of arrangement would prevent the purchase of these properties and developers transforming them into private office parks or other similar uses."

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