Plymouth Voice: Historical Treasure or Eyesore

Jack Dempsey, the former President of the Michigan Historical Commission, penned an op/ed column published in the Plymouth Voice about the future of Wilcox Mill and its historic significance.

Plymouth Voice: One of the historic properties up for sale is the 3.5-acre Wilcox Mill site located on the border of the city of Plymouth and Plymouth Township. Wayne County is seeking a partner not to raze but to restore Wilcox Mill before it is lost forever. Restoration will require significant investment, especially to comply with national rehabilitation standards. Adaptive reuse is a proven strategy to repurpose heritage structures rather than tearing down and replacement. Saving the Mill for public patronage is what the County seeks.

Mr. Dempsey is an avid historian, two-term President of the Michigan Historical Commission and award-winning author. His writing focuses on the Civil War, the history of Michigan, and cultural heritage. His book presentations have been featured at The Henry Ford, the Historical Society of Michigan, the Kerrytown Book Fest, historical museums, public libraries, Civil War Round Tables, in schools, and on public television and radio. He is a resident of Plymouth Township.

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